Archive for September 8, 2008

MTV VMAs 2008

Posted: September 8, 2008 in music
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Its the 25th MTV Video Music Awards held at the Paramount studios in Hollywood. Right off the bat I had a feeling that this would be a toned down VMA, at least compared to last years extravaganza. The Main stage wasnt even designed that well and it really wasnt that impressive.

Russell Brand is this year’s host and frankly the more I watch these award shows the more I feel sorry for the hosts. If you try to be your unique and crazy self, you dont get a lot of cheers from the celebs and if you try to go for that crowd’s laugh you get ripped by the online community. Its like you have to choose, would you be John Stewart or Steve Martin. Well anyways I still think Russell did a good job hosting, getting a good amount of laughs considering he’s taking his London comedy to a foreign land. One thing I didn’t like was they made him keep saying “oh what a wonderful show its been so far” everytime he had to do his bit. Man, that -ish was annoying, as if that was gonna save the dull parts of the show.

Now for my “what ups”……..


10 Years of Google

Posted: September 8, 2008 in Uncategorized


Google is a powerhouse of a company theres no denying that, its become a verb and frankly its a little scary how much people depend on Google services especially when it comes to the ‘cloud.’ But theres no room for negativity in this blog post (maybe in another one) for now, lets celebrate Google’s success. Here are a few interesting links with regards to Google’s birthday.

Google numbers compared with Microsoft

Interview with the hot VP of Search Products and User Interface Marissa Mayer

What to expect from Google in the next 10 years

Google Holiday logos – honestly I never knew that the first laser was invented on May 16, 2008

Google at 10 and still searching

Looking back on Google’s 10 years

Google’s 10 Commandments

1. Focus on the user and all else will follow.
2. It’s best to do one thing really, really well
3. Fast is better than slow
4. Democracy on the web works
5. You don’t need to be at your desk to need an answer
6. You can make money without doing evil
7. There’s always more information out there
8. The need for information crosses all borders
9. You can be serious without a suit
10. Great just isn’t good enough

With all the advancements in technology for modern combat (see How to disappear) nothing still replaces the bad-assery (I hope thats a word) of slugging it out mano e’ mano. I just had to show you guys this new list from, plus Eskrima or Arnis which is the Philippines fighting style is ranked number 2!  Makes me reminisce of the exciting and funny action films like Kamagong, and Anak ng Lupa.

6 Great Martial Arts for Killing a Man With Your Bare Hands

The Arnis Philippines organization website